The beginning of Mother’s Day 2009 was spent playing nurse to my Mom who is now recuperating at a hospital here in Makati City. I was listening to music and refused to watch TV. I was my usual moody self and when I’m in this state, I would rather sing along with my favorite songs and pretend to be both the singer and the drummer.
At around 5:30 p.m., I suddenly decided I wanted to buy some facial creams and soaps and just feel beautiful. So, I made Lilian, my co-“bantay”, accompany me to Glorietta while my brother Timo watched over our Mom.
At this beauty shop, I purchased some facial mositurizers and got some for Lilian as well. The store manager said we were entitled to a diamond peel facial and a regular facial. I suddenly pushed Lilian to the makeover area of the beauty shop and told the therapist to give her the regular facial. I swear, Lilian got so scared out of her wits! She never had a facial in her life! I told her to calm down and that it was going to be great.
Once on the chair, Lilian sighed to the gentle facial massage given. I bet she was thinking, “is this heaven or what?” I was actually having a blast seeing her experience that. I kept taking pictures and the therapist was giggling like crazy. When the latter started pricking whiteheads and blackheads from all over Lilian’s face, she started complaining that it was painful. I thought to myself, was I doing her a favor or not?
At the end of the facial, we all complimented Lilian of her glowing skin. The tiredness and dullness visibly seen on her face before and which was brought about by the hardship of raising kids on her own, was somehow lessened. It was the first time I saw a genuine and confident smile on her lips at that moment.
This experience with Lilian made me realize one thing. When we are down in the dumps, we should not feel sorry for ourselves and let the sadness ruin our day. We should instead do a good thing for a person at that specific moment because it brings about a nice feeling inside that washes away our sorrows. I swear, I felt real good and it made me realize how blessed I truly am.
This is the most memorable Mother’s Day for me because I believe God was trying to give me a message. He wants me to know that He hears my prayers and questions, and His answer is, this world is just temporary therefore we should not waste our time asking why we cannot have what we want but rather be content with what He gives and to just try to be a blessing to the less fortunate.
I am no longer sad for again, I have trodden another road that has enlightened me about the secrets of a beautiful and meaningful life.
That was a very nice thing to do cousin Jennie. Happy Mother's Day.